

现货供应 惠普HP3468A万用表

日期:2024-08-27 11:39

现货供应 惠普HP3468A万用表
 客 服QQ:153462353
 电 话: 0769-84970591  
 传 真:0769-82553292
 邮 箱:wsktjhxk@126.com

HP3468A美国惠普5位半万用表 Agilent 3468A 5-1/2 Digit Digital Multimeter with HP-IL interface Description The HP Agilent 3468A is a used Digital Multimeter that has 5 functions with selectable 5 1/2, 4 1/2, or 3 1/2 digit resolution. DC and true RMS AC voltage measurements are provided from 0.3 V full scale range with 1 ?V sensitivity up to 300 V. Bandwidth of the true RMS AC converter is from 20Hz to 100kHz on all ranges and up to 300kHz on the 30 V range. Either 2 or 4-wire ohms measurements can be selected with a maximum range of 30 Mohms. Both DC and true RMS AC current capability is provided up to 3 Amps. One outstanding feature of the HP 3468A meter is the complete calibration is done electronically, either manually from the front-panel of remotely in an automatic calibration system. There are NO INTERNAL ADJUSTMENTS, complete calibration of all functions can be done without removal of covers! HP-IL (simple 2-wire interface) allows for full programmability


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