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回收美国Photo Research亮度计PR-680L 东莞市启航电子科技有限公司 联系人:李经理 :13527993916 电话:0769-81283426-805 传真:0769-82553292 邮箱:2880196033@qq.com 客服QQ:2880196033 网 址: http://www.qihang18.com 国内免费服务专线:400-0769-832 地址:东莞市塘厦镇塘龙东路63号美华中心605室
回收美国Photo Research亮度计PR-680L

Unique Design
The PR-680L SpectraDuo marks the beginning of a new era in light measurement. This unique patent pending, battery powered portable instrument is the first and only combined fast-scanning 256 detector element spectroradiometer and PMT based photometer on the market. The PR-680L has three available operating modes
A fast scanning spectroradiometer (like the PR-655)
A highly sensitive photometer (like the PR-880)
Auto Select mode which automatically selects between detectors based on the available signal.
The PR-680L is supplied with 4 Automated Measuring Apertures (1°, 0.5°, 0.25° and 0.125°) and an Automated Measure Shutter. Other hardware features include AutoSync? for automatically synchronizing to the source refresh rate insuring the utmost accuracy, a Secure Digital (SD) port for measurement storage, an External Trigger Port allowing remote measurement activation from either a push button or peripheral device, and a long lasting rechargeable Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery.

Easy to Use
The PR-680L is controlled via the on-board, 2.25" x 3" high resolution, full color touch screen LCD display and 5-way navigation keypad for easy navigation. Following a measurement, the PR-680L displays data and color spectral graphs on the system display. The PR-680L design provides stand alone operation - no PC required. The PR-680L can also be controlled via the world famous SpectraWin? 2 software over the USB, RS232(optional)  or Bluetooth (optional)  interface.

The unique design of the PR-680L makes tasks such as spectrally based colorimetry and high speed, low level luminance - required for display metrology - possible with a single instrument by supplying a wide dynamic range - 0.00007 fL (photometer and 1° aperture) to 5,000,000 fL (spectral and 1/8° aperture) without using external neutral density filters. Since the Pritchard? viewing and measuring optics are shared by both the spectroradiometer and photometer, no realignment of the instrument to the target is required when switching between modes. 

An optional analog output provides the capability of using the PMT as a high speed tool for characterizing display ON / OFF response (3 μsec response) or waveform analysis of flash sources. We've further enhanced the flexibility by adding two sensitivity modes (Standard & Extended) and 4 measurement speeds : Normal, Fast, 2X Fast, 4X Fast.

For applications other than luminance, the PR-680L can be supplied with optical accessories such as a cosine receptor for illuminance, LR-127 LED Analyzer for testing LED's to CIE 127, fiber probe for remote non-line-of-sight testing, and a series of magnification lenses for small spot size analysis. The PR-680L also provides the capability for interactive display white point calibration (RGB Software).

It's easy for the PR-680L to talk to the outside world - it comes equipped with USB and (optional) Bluetooth? wireless interfaces. It is supplied with text based, Remote Mode syntax and a driver that emulates an RS-232 interface (COM: port) making it a simple task to generate custom programming to perform specific tasks or for inclusion in an ATE environment. If needed, an RS-232 interface can be added to complement the standard USB.

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(1)手机综合测试仪CMW500 MT8820B/C带TD-SCDMA 
Agilent N4010A   MT8852A  MT8852B MT8815A MT8850A安捷伦E1852B 蓝牙测试仪ANRITSU  WIFI(无线局域网)测试仪IQviewLitepoint 
(3)网络分析仪Agilent HP
8711A 8711B 8711C 8712C 8712ET 8713B 8714C 8714ET 8714ES 
8752C 8753D 8753E 8753ES E5061B E5061A E5062A E5070A 
E5070B E5071A E5071B E5071C E5072A N5230C  N5221A N5224A 
N5225A N5227A N5230C N5241A N5242A N5244A N5245A N5247A  
N5264A PNA-X N5250C E8361C E8362C E8362C E8363C E8364C 8720D 8720C  
8719ES 8720ES 8722D 8722ES 4395A  ADVANTEST R3765CH爱德万 ADVANTEST R3767CH爱德万 ADVANTEST R3767CG爱德万

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曹生:13580800393   QQ:839463960

N9030A  N9020A  N9010A  N9000A  N9070A  N9322C  N9038A N9320B  N9344C  N9343C  N9342C  N9340B  N9935A  N9936A N9937A  N9938A  N9917A  N9918A  N9912A  N9913A  N9914A N9915A  N9916A  M9393A  M9392A  M9391A  E4440A  E4443A E4445A  E4446A  E4447A  E4448A  E4402B  E4404B  E4405B E4407B  E4411B  E4408B 
R3132A MS8604A MS2711A MS2721B
(5)信号源Agilent HP信号发生器
 GSS6200  STR4500思博伦通信GPS  33210A 33220A 33250A 81180A 81160A 81150A 81160A 81150A 
81150A E4400B E4338B E4438C E4421B E4422B  E4432A E4432B 
N5183B  N5182B  N5181B  N5173B  N5172B  N5171B  M9381A M9380A  E8257D  N5183A  N5182A  N5181A  E4428C  E4438CIFR2023A 
IFR2023B IFR2025 IFR2026Q  Marconi2025 MARCONI2024 
R&SSMIQ03E SMIQ06B  VP-8194D  SUNLIGHT阳光7116C GV698 GV798 VM700A VM700T U8903A  M9392A N9030A  
N9020A  N9010A
DSO3102A DPO4034B 
MSO4034B MSO4054B DPO4104B MSO4104B DPO5034 MSO5034 
DPO5054 MSO505 DPO5104 MSO5104 DPO5204 MSO5204 
DPO/DSA72004C MSO7200C DPO/DSA71604C DPO/DSA71254C 
MSO71254C  DPO/DSA70804C MSO70804C DPO/DSA70604 MSO70604C 
Tektronix TDS7704B TDS7404B  TDS7154B MSO70404C TDS1012B 
TDS 2012D TDS2022B TDS2024B TDS3012B TDS3014B TDS3032B 
TDS3034B TDS3052B TDS5054B TDS7104B TDS2014B DSO4054B 
MSO40  P2100 100MHZ示波器探头P6500 500MHz示波器探头P6020 20MHz示波器探头

回收专线 :
曹生:13580800393   QQ:839463960

E4416A E4417A E4418B E4419B E9323A E9301H E4412A N432A 
N1913A N1914A N1911A  N1912A WT110 WT130 WT210 WT230 
WT3000 U2000A U2000B U2000H ML2437A  
功率探头Agilent HP:E9327A  E9323A   E9322A  E4412A  8482B  8482A
53131A   53132A  53181A
(9)LCR电桥Agilent HP
4192B  4192A  4294A  4291A  4291B  4191A  4263A  4263B  
4278A  4338B  4339B  4284A  4285A  4286A  4287A  E4980A  
PM6306  PM6304
吉时利 2303A  2304A Agilent/HP 66309D  66311B  66312A  66319B 
66319D  6032A  E3631A  E3632A  6811B  HP6812B
34970A  34972A  34980A  34901A  34908A
8970B 346A 346B 346C N4001A N8973A N8974A N8975A
5500A  5520A  5700A  5720A  718 724  725EX  726  
(14)万用表Agilent /HP34401A  3458A
S331A  S331B  S331C  S331D

回收专线 :
曹生:13580800393   QQ:839463960

(17)逻辑分析仪Agilent HP
16803A  16804A  16806A  16821A  16822A  16823A  16998A  
169621A  16950B  16951B  16911A   16910A
(18) 色彩分析仪
CA-210色彩分析仪   CL-200色彩照度计  
(19)光波测量系统Agilent HP 
收购泰克 P5050  P6139A  P6041  P6248 P6245  P6243 P6021 P6022 P7330  P6246 P2220  P62481 P5100 P3010 021-1605  P2100 020A 5020 P5205 TAP1500  TAP2500  P7225  TAP3500  P7240  P6249  P7260
P3010  P6112  P6109B  P6117  P6138A  P6131  P6139A  P6114B  P5050
安捷伦 85024a n2863a 85024A  P2221  P6101B

收购泰克 TCPA300 TCP303 TCP312 P6015A P2220 P6248 P7330 CP202 P6139A P7350 P6330  收购A621 A622 CT2  CT1 CT6  TCP305  P6021 P6022  TCP312  A6302  TCP202  TCPA400  TCPA300  TCP303  A6303  TCP0030  TCP404XL  TCP0150  CT4  A6304XL 

安捷伦/HP E4412A CP-2100 CP-3101R 收购CP-2250 CP-3351R CP-3501R PT-710 PT-720 PT-740 PT-7401 PT-7402 PT-7010 PT-7020 1144A 10441A 1155A E2625A 

收购泰克P5200  P5205  ADA400A  P5210  P6246  P6250  TDP0500  P6251  TDP1000  TDP1500  P6248  TDP3500  P6330  P7350SMA  P7330  P7504  P7340A  P7506  P7360A  P7508  P738OSMA  P7313SMA  P7513A  P7313  P7516  P7520 

P5100  P5102  P5120  P5200 P5205  P5210  TDP0500  TDP1000

回收专线 :
曹生:13580800393   QQ:839463960

Multi Gloss 268PLUS,Uni Gloss 60PLUS,CS-2000,CS-2000A,

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