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WiMedia Explorer 300 WiMedia Explorer 300
WiMedia Explorer 300


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WiMedia Explorer 300
Analyzer and Generator for WiMedia Ultrawideband, Wireless USB and Bluetooth


The WiMedia Explorer 300 is the world's first over-the-air MB-OFDM protocol test system for WiMedia Alliance's Ultrawideband common radio platform, Wireless USB protocol and Bluetooth?.

Designed to evolve with specification updates, the Ellisys WiMedia Explorer 300 will help you solve current and future WiMedia, Wireless USB and Bluetooth challenges. Improving your time-to-market has never been so easy!


The Ellisys WiMedia Explorer 300 Analyzer is ideal for peripheral development, protocol stacks verification, communication optimization, and other intricate development tasks. Its high-quality UWB RF front-end records traffic exchanged over the air between devices so you can display the resulting decoded information in your choice of several convenient formats.

The Ellisys WiMedia Explorer 300 Generator is the world's first frame generator for WiMedia Ultrawideband and Wireless USB protocols. It helps verify product and component reliability by generating reproducible traffic, timing and error scenarios.

Containing a specialized processor designed specifically for WiMedia-based and Wireless USB protocols, the WiMedia Explorer 300 Generator produces sequences of arbitrary frames with programmable inter-frame delay, and can then wait for any kind of response frame or event. The processor's instruction set enables you to emulate various WiMedia equipments. Integrated with Ellisys' leading Ultrawideband and Wireless USB protocol analysis software, you can reproduce previously-recorded scenarios, or modify them for testing corner cases and recovery mechanisms.

Based on the same proven hardware as the Ellisys WiMedia Explorer 300 Analyzer, the WiMedia Explorer 300 Generator provides a powerful new test methodology to maximize the quality of your protocol implementation and surpass your Ultrawideband R&D challenges.

The Generator also includes the Ellisys WiMedia Precompliance Test Solution, which automatically executes a comprehensive set of test scripts that implements the entire suite of test scenarios defined in the new WiMedia Platform Test Specification version 1.2. The test solution interacts with a device under test, captures all traffic exchanged with the device to a file, analyzes the traffic to verify compliance behavior, and generates a compliance report. Any detected issues can then be easily debugged using the capture file and the included WiMedia protocol analysis software. More ?

The Ellisys WiMedia Explorer 300 Duo is a flexible bundle of two full-featured units that can be used as one analyzer and one generator, two analyzers or two generators depending on your testing requirements. More convenient than having both functions on the same unit, this allows you to better share your test equipment among your R&D team.

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