
  • 产品名称:Ellisys USB Explorer 260 USB2.0协议分析仪

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Ellisys USB Explorer 260 USB2.0协议分析仪 The Ellisys USB Explorer 260 Generator complements protocol analysis by emulating USB devices and hosts, and by testing corner cases and recovery mechanisms. Reproducible traffic, timing and error scenarios can be created with a powerful scripting environment. Captured traffic can be replayed to test a particular situation. The Generator supports the industry'
Ellisys USB Explorer 260 USB2.0协议分析仪

Ellisys USB Explorer 260
Multifunction USB 2.0 Protocol Test System
多功能USB 2.0协议测试系统

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Ellisys USB Explorer 260 - Multifunction USB 2.0 Protocol Test System

The Ellisys USB Explorer 260 is a sophisticated protocol test system for USB traffic monitoring, driver and software stack debugging, protocol compliance verification and performance analysis. The EX260 can reduce your R&D development time by finding issues early and debugging more efficiently, and can improve quality and reliability by verifying compliance to the specifications.

The multifunction USB Explorer 260 can:

analyze USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 links at any speed, including OTG and the new InterChip-USB at all speeds and all voltages;
emulate USB hosts and devices;
inject pre-defined error patterns for stress and error recovery testing; and,
automatically verify compliance to the USB and class specifications.
Each flexible Ellisys USB Explorer 260 hardware unit is capable of acting either as a protocol analyzer or a packet generator depending on configuration.


The Ellisys USB Explorer 260 Analyzer includes Ellisys' extensive analysis features with real-time monitoring, hard-disk data streaming, in-depth class decoding, comprehensive traffic statistics, and powerful triggering and filtering.

The USB Explorer 260 Analyzer is based on Ellisys' renown USB analysis software that is well-proven for validating device enumeration, solving communication issues, detecting interoperability problems and optimizing performance.

The Ellisys USB Explorer 260 Generator complements protocol analysis by emulating USB devices and hosts, and by testing corner cases and recovery mechanisms. Reproducible traffic, timing and error scenarios can be created with a powerful scripting environment. Captured traffic can be replayed to test a particular situation. The Generator supports the industry's first Inline Error Injection feature to insert programmed errors between a host and device to determine the impact of transmission errors under rare conditions.

The Generator also includes the Ellisys USB Device Examiner Automated Pre-Compliance Testing software. This software controls a generator and an optional analyzer to automatically verify the compliance of devices against the USB specification and classes specifications such as HID and Mass Storage. See brochure ?

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